Saturday, June 21, 2008

Light, bright and smells from everywhere

Today was a very bright day. It started out at the Farmer's Market at Pioneer Park (downtown SLC), where the sun shone way too much. I took advantage of my sunglasses and still had to squint, but all was well. We took Ty C Adams on his first TRAX ride to the park and then surrounded him with all sorts of yummy smells, delicious looking salad greens, corn on the cob and the most wonderful of all breads, the 'savory loaf' from Great Harvest. If you are dreaming of eating all of those awesome things I hope you dream in color and taste, if not, just call me and I'll tell you how tasty they all were. We literally had a feast at Susan's table tonight. We made the plan on the way home from the Market (on the train) making sure not to leave one item out or spreading them over 2 days of dinners. Susan made up some 4 kind of cheese sauce then mixed in bowtie pasta. Greta and I shelled the peas and shucked the corn. Kevin made a marinade for the chicken and 'one-armed' Steve blackened it on the grill. Is your mouth watering yet? Then Susan sliced the 'savory loaf' and put it under the broiler for a few minutes, where the smell enveloped the entire house.
There we were, 9 adults (we have to count Addison and Jeff) and 2.5 kids surrounding Aunt Kays old boardroom table. There was truly enough room for all of us and the feast spread across the lengthy table. A sight to behold! I'm pretty sure that our goal was achieved in filling each of our bellies, let's just say that if you left the table hungry it was your own fault.
What a great weekend it's been with having all of Susan's kids AND grandchildren, ages 2 to 1month. Lots of hugs, kisses and sharing have gone on and I'm very blessed to be a part of it all. It's nice to be in a house filled to the brim and also nice to have your own little corner to hide away in.
I love you kids.....thanks for being there for your moms. dud

1 comment:

adam said...

I love you and I hope that this granddaughter of yours decides to grace us with her presence soon so I can see you!! I can't even begin to explain how excited I am to see you hold her in your arms and officially become Grandma Diane.

Thanks for the encouragement as well. Adam calls his birth 'being fashionably late'. I told if that it's a good thing you're nicer than me because I would have killed him.

Practicing 2 b a g ma

Practicing 2 b a g ma
Nana Di and g-nephew Ty