Friday, May 9, 2008

It's raining inside the house

We discovered a leak in the house after much suspicion.  In the laundry room downstairs there were drippings and things were getting a bit wet.  So off we went in searching from whence the water came.
It was all good getting on the roof and all, and Steve even got to climb the ladder up into the attic, and trying in vain to convince Kevin that he needed to help out.  I guess he's not a fan of hot, dark places.  Needless to say, the swamp cooler and roof were partnered in making it rain in the house.
The next step was to figure out how to repair it all.  Then, that same evening Kate had just finished her bathroom visit and noticed that the ceiling was caving in, like a swollen belly.  What more could happen.  finding the hall closet full of water-soaked coats, cleaning supplies and Susan's favorite old music was not the best of days.  We spread out a couple of sheets and peeled the music from soaked pages and laid it out to dry.  The front room floor was covered with old time favorites, and they were a bit smelly too.  Thank goodness that it was a warm day because in no time they (music) was curled and dried and the smell did not go away.
Susan and Steve ventured to Home Depot to get supplies to fix the bathroom ceiling consisting of safety goggles (which look adorable on Camille) masks, insulation, sealer and other diy necessities.  I think Steve was in his element while sawing the ceiling.  A dream come true: tearing something down with a lot of mess. The Shop Vac had a difficult time sucking up the weird looking looked like popcorn, even so much that Zoe the hairy sister ate some off of the ground.    I had never thought I would see the roof from the inside of the house with it's lumber it was an experience.  Even better was still using the facility while no ceiling existed....with a  3 a.m. potty call, it was quite chilly.
That night while walking across the kitchen floor, there were noticeable bubbles in the tile.  The water had gone even more beyond it's first thought destruction route.

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Practicing 2 b a g ma

Practicing 2 b a g ma
Nana Di and g-nephew Ty